Sensors and control

In the case of automatic or semi-automatic operation, it is important that the signals received are reliable and used in a functional manner, otherwise there is a risk of penalising the load cycle. In each case, the most appropriate ratio of signals is studied so as not to collapse the system and make the installation more expensive.

The increase in management quality achieved through the incorporation of these signals is not only limited to data capture, but also provides greater control capacity and increased safety during grab use. The remote visualisation and storage of the data collected complete a global system that provides practical and specific solutions for each project.

The presence of Blug equipment in the growth and consolidation of the market since its inception has provided the necessary background for these tools to have the most appropriate functionalities in generally aggressive environments. The current market trend towards the automation of pits has in the combination of the GIITS system and the Digital Blug platform an additional tool to guarantee the management of the crane/grab binomial and have an impact on improving costs and energy efficiency.

With the installation of this technology, there is an additional investment in the repeatability of cycles, scalability of plant types and consolidation of production flows. It is a tool that will allow the sector to take a step forward in the short term.

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